This carnival, well... I don't like it very much, maybe because I spend a lot of time this years going out and on party.
But, equally I pass some good time with my friends and colleagues.
And this year, I have retroveid with a lot of friends, from differents villages and citys, and I made new friends, like every year.
I think I'm very sociable, and made new friends very easy.
Another think that happen on Carnival it's that all my friends saw me with my "girlfriend", and now everybody know that.
And at the end, I like to pass this Carnival with my friends, specially with they who never fail me and with who I can trust complety.

Hi Moha!
ResponEliminaThis carnival it was fantastic. I hope that the year either as!
Hello Mohi :)
ResponEliminaThis carnival it was grat :)
YOu was very sexy u.u :)
I like to much the pictures, one kiss Moha!